Monday, April 5, 2010

Are some brands forgetting the evolved marketing funnel?

In our world of cheaper and further-reaching marketing technology, consumers are now given more and more greater amounts of power. The world has now truly evolved to the point where the relationship is no longer advertiser – consumer; instead it is more like consumer – consumer.

This is the notion of brand democratization which is now here! Whats most surprising about this though, is that a lot of companies are still turning a blind eye of this phenomena, or are choosing to go against the grain while others are embracing it. It is becoming increasingly important to have 2 way dialgoues interacting with your consumer, as well as getting involved in comments/feedback/social reviews from your consumers talking about your brand.

Frustrated consumers, who have been brushed aside by companies/products or services, are turning instead to Twitter, Blogs, YouTube, and Facebook to voice their concerns not to mention text messaging their peers (keeping them in the loop is only natural these days).

In short every one who is online and who interacts with others becomes a brand ambassador, so can companies really afford to ignore this? Most likely  not, keeping in touch with the latest and greatest to keep consumers attention and satisfaction is becoming part of the marketing funnel.

Marketing Strategy '09 / '10

 Various studies are showing fluctuating trends in the digital world, Mobile marketing, Social Media. OOH and Micro-sites are still amongst some of the favorites.