Friday, May 14, 2010

Digital and Interactive OOH: The Perfect Media for all Target Markets

It's no secret that marketers far and wide have spent millions of dollars trying to reach specific target groups with the right medium; internet advertising for teens, television for adults, and mobile marketing for young, urban professionals. But as people start spending less time in their homes and more time outside, Digital and Interactive OOH media becomes more dominant in a world of unengaging and traditionally boring media. 

Digital OOH media reaches 19.2 million consumers monthly. Now that's a lot of exposure

Throughout this 19.2 million, several profitable target groups are reached through Digital and Interactive OOH - from affluent adults to college students to alpha moms right back to teens, Digital and Interactive OOH media has the stopping power to gain awareness from the consumer due to its innovative social and impressive technologies. 

Here's how people throughout all life stages/patterns effectively notice Digital and Interactive OOH media making it the ideal and perfect media to give your company a unique, trendy, and well-heard voice:

Affluents: 60% notice, 36 % take action. 
They make over $100,000 a year in household income and have enough disposable income to engage in high-end activities such as traveling, taking cruises and having mad spending sprees. They notice Digital and Interactive OOH media more than any other traditional media source.

Movie Goers: 69% notice, 51% take action.
18-55 year olds who attend movies more than once a month. 

Business Professionals: 67% notice, 30% take action.
Aged 22-55 they are more likely to have a college or graduate degree, very social and active. 

College Students: 65% notice, 49% take action.
Aged 18-34, they attend college, university, or graduate school. They also have a lot of purchasing power. 

Nightlifers: 65% notice, 43% take action. 
They like to go out at night and frequent visitors of bars and nightclubs, and are very social. 

Mobile Millennials: 63% notice, 43% take action
18-34 year olds with lots of purchasing power. They lead a more mobile, tech-savvy lifestyle. DOOH is an ideal medium for this group as they prefer communication with an interactive element. 

Teens: 54% notice, 55% take action.
Between 13-17 years old. A very social image-conscious group. Although they are the lowest percentile to take notice, they are the highest to take action. 

So there you have it. These groups were the highest among others to take notice of Digital OOH media. And these numbers are only going to rise - with social media websites such as Facebook and Foursquare engaging their users in a world of interactivity, Digital and Interactive OOH media will only boom and dominate the media landscape. And what more could a company want than massive appeal in a cool and shared manner?

*Statistics taken from OMAC "Engaging People with Digital Out Of Home Media" (

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